and the jury is in

I’ve started and stopped this post probably five or ten times the past few days and in all honesty I still don’t know exactly what to say.

There was a highly publicized rape case at my university. Four men have been charged with raping a student and the jury just came back for two of them: guilty. Many people believe the case only made it to court because there was so much video support, both university surveillance and cell phone video the perpetrators took, and I tend to agree.

This is where I have to come clean: I was raped on two separate occasions, once when I was 12 and again when I was 15, and this inherently colors any opinions I have about the case. I also was the sorority sister of someone who was raped while attending Vanderbilt and I saw how terribly the university handled her case. Many of the prejudicial procedures that use to govern the judicial system in charge of such cases have changed, but it doesn’t change the fact that what they did to her and what they put her through was wrong. Until the most recent Title IX complaint against Vanderbilt and this case in particular came to light, I don’t think the administration thought twice about how their procedures encouraged rapists to roam the campus and send victims home traumatized.

The high profile case has been dubbed “The Vanderbilt Rape Case” in the local news and national media and the title makes me so mad. It is not the Vanderbilt rape case; it is a Vanderbilt rape case. I am sad to say that sexual assault is part of campus life. I think what I have vacillated the most about in writing this is what to say about solving the problem because I don’t think there are clear answers. This is not just a problem with athletic teams or a problem with greek life. If it was, it would be an easy fix. Growing up I always imagined rapists as scary strangers who broke into your house or stalked you like they do on Criminal Minds, but neither of my rapists looked like that at all. They were my friends, my boyfriends, people who I liked hanging out with and who I trusted. Stranger danger may be a catchy tagline but it is the people closest to you that are most often the ones who cause you harm. This girl was drugged by her boyfriend, taken back to someone’s dorm room and then raped by people that she knew. If someone can explain to me how to stop a problem like that, where men attack women who they claim to love and who trust them, please let me know, but I’m at a complete loss.

A lot of national attention is being paid to sexual assault on college campuses and I think that is great, but it makes it sound like it is a problem that starts in college. I am here to tell everyone that it is not, or at least it wasn’t for me. Boys still in high school thought it was okay to have sex with me without my permission, and it makes me think this is a problem that starts in middle and high school and then flourishes when you put a bunch of barely legal kids on a confined campus to live together. Yes, we have to change rape culture on college campuses, but we need to first make sexual education mandatory in middle and high school, and we need to make sure this education includes explicit information on what constitutes rape. I told a friend what happened to me after I was raped the second time and she told me that it couldn’t be rape because he was my boyfriend. There are a lot of myths out there and shaming of women for their perceived part in the act. Girls should have a safe place to go and let someone know what happened to them even if they were out drinking or somewhere they weren’t suppose to be, and often this is not their parents. And most importantly boys need to know this is wrong, that this is not just one of those boys will be boys things. I’m a huge believer that words matter, and a lot of changes need to be made in that department too. Rape needs to go the way of gay. It is no longer acceptable to say that something weird is gay and in that same light, it is not acceptable to say you were raped by a test. Rape is something specific and should not be trivialized by comparing it to something anything less traumatizing and earth shattering than it is.

Unless they successfully appeal their cases, these two men will spend a minimum of 15 years in prison without the possibility of parole. But I have been thinking of all of the cases without video proof and all of the other people who will not get this kind of justice. I remember how ashamed I felt both times when this happened to me, how I thought I must have done something to make them think I wanted it. This case helped me see that as much as we say it’s not your fault to people who have gone through this, the words feel hollow until you are able to say them to someone else. Justice looks so different to different people. I don’t know what justice would look like for me but I’m glad that we can all agree that justice was served in this case. That’s at least a good start.

for fear of failure

jkrowling failure

I think this is my version of drunk posting, nightmare posting. I have nightmares that often make me contemplate my life in ways that I would prefer not to. I’m not going to get into any unconscious breaking through blah blah blah but at the root of most of the not PTSD related nightmares is this, my truest secret:

I am absolutely terrified of failure.

I know this is not an uncommon fear. I think that most type-A people like me are driven by it and in some cases succeed because of it. But in my case, more often than not it is paralyzing. It is absolutely in my nature to not do something because I am afraid, not of just not succeeding, but not doing things to the best of my ability, or even worse, letting someone down. It is my deepest insecurity and it has been holding me back, especially lately.

I just graduated in December of 2014 from college, and I have yet to find a job. It is not for lack of trying. I tried for months before graduation and have been looking since. I’ve written what I thought (and the career center told me) were great cover letters and have a good resume. I have really put myself out there with this search and by putting myself out there so much and putting so much effort into each application, I have been feeling so rejected. And to me rejection is failure.

When I was at school I withdrew from classes when I thought I might fail or when I felt behind. I withdrew because I was afraid I wouldn’t catch up or that I would put forth work that would disappoint my professors, most of who I greatly admire. It was not until I was put on probation because I had withdrawn from so many classes that I realized I was losing their respect anyways by stepping away. Ironically my fear of failure caused me to fail. I’m incredibly proud of coming back two years ago and finishing all my classes. Every class I felt like I was going to fail I ended up doing fine in. I never did fail, at least not by normal academic standards, and it taught me that I do have the power inside of me to push through.

A lot of my fear comes from things being pulled out from beneath my feet when I least expected. So many relationships with friends, family, and then romantic relationships that ended abruptly or without closure have at points left my sense of self truly shaken. These sting because I failed on two fronts, I failed in the relationship but also failed to see the failure coming. Don’t even get me started on my health…it has failed me at such key moments in my life: senior year of high school, so much of college, even when I was younger and didn’t realize that what I was feeling physically and emotionally wasn’t normal. I don’t know if my illnesses have caused me to feel defective or if it’s the other way around, but these feelings have caused some of the darkest moments in my life. I would rather be dead than experience one more failure and/or disappoint another person who I love.

People say there is a silver-lining to failure, and there is. You can only truly grasp the magnitude of your success if you have failed before. I know that was definitely the case with graduating both high school and college and then in being well. But sometimes it is hard not to say, “Why me?!” I am trying to remember right now that I will look back on this time when I feel like I’m drowning in failures and see the silver-lining, but I gotta say I’m chest deep in the failure pool right now and it sucks.

I apologize for all the trees I just killed

So this came in the mail today…

med records

I requested my medical records from Vandy a month ago and had wondered where they were. I knew there would be a lot but didn’t know there would be nearly 15 pounds worth. This isn’t even all of my medical records at this one hospital. It isn’t even my records from a full ten years.

I’m contemplating looking at them page by page but I have to admit I have mixed feelings. On the plus side I’d be able to see how far I’ve come in the past decade-ish. But in many ways that is the downside too. I’d have to revisit some of my worst times, look at my hospital records and find out exactly what my doctors though of me, and possibly see that I have not come quite as far as I think I have. So much of my life is encapsulated in these records and as much as I like to say that I am not my health or conditions, I don’t always feel that way. It is hard to face 1000 pages of medical records, so much of which made me feel inferior and small, saying over and over that the tests came back negative or inconclusive and doctors questioning my credibility and motives.

I was going to write a separate post about this today before my records arrived but I spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Miami looking at MPH programs that I might attend in the fall. At the last school I visited I took a campus tour that I had requested a wheelchair for. It is hard for me to stand for more than 30-45 minutes at a time because of my POTS and the pain that comes from my fibromyalgia. At least for me, there is nothing that speaks more loudly than the silent side-eye I get from people who watch me, a healthy looking 20-something girl, walk into a wheelchair. I know that I am sensitive about it in the first place and maybe I do imagine some of the reaction I see, but it is one of the hardest part of having an invisible illness (or in my case five). I wish that I could easily explain to people how painful such normal activities are. I wish I could explain that I am not just lazy or attention seeking or that I can’t just grin and bear it as my father would say. Even last year I would have just walked the whole tour until I was nearly in tears from the pain and having flash bulbs in my eyes because I’m dizzy and about to pass out. I realized after having to leave a friend’s birthday party at the zoo because the walking was too much that it was not an act of defeat to use a wheelchair. I don’t use it often but just giving myself the option again has taken so much weight off my shoulders. Even yesterday, I think 10 times out of 10 I would use the wheelchair again even with the side-eyes.

Do any of you struggle with invisible illness or disorders that impact your everyday life? I’d love to hear from you.

As Forest Gump would say, “And that’s all I have to say about that.” xxoo

For love of all things pretty and watercolored

As I do most Sundays, I was pursuing Pinterest ( and rediscovered one of my all time favorite design blogs, An hour and twenty minutes later of scrolling through her site and I figured I had to share it with all of you too. Her aesthetic is so fresh and fun and flirty.

Here’s just a taste of some of her stuff so you can judge for yourself:

SummerisDelicious2_Wallpaper_by_JulieSongInk blueombre strawberriesDLF2 watercolor background

Watercolor is my favorite artistic medium (other than maybe screen printing). It’s just so fluid and layered and…well just darn pretty. I love her designs. They’re simple but her color schemes are so original and vibrant. I’d admit that I’ve been pretty discouraged job hunting lately. That’s one of the reasons I started this blog now after talking about it for gosh…I’m frankly embarrassed to say how long. I’ve decided to supplement the eight hours a day I’ve committed to looking for and applying to jobs with some much needed creative time. I bought a modern calligraphy book so I can work on this hand lettering trend I love so much and am bringing my watercolors out of retirement. Hopefully I’ll be able to share some of my work with you and it’ll be half as great at Design Love Fest. xxoo

Weekends are for baking, right?

So I’ll let you in on a not at all secret: I love dessert. As far as I’m concerned, no meal is complete without something sweet to end it. And while being skinny is certainly not my top priority (not even in my top ten priorities), being healthier is. With that in mind, I’ve been Pinteresting some “healthy” dessert recipes and thought I’d take you along for the ride.

First up: Vanilla Greek Yogurt Soufflés which are suppose to “taste like cheesecake” with only 80 calories a serving and 7g of protein. First impression, obviously too good to be true and the word souffles makes me think this’ll end up on the Pinterest fail blog but, as with most things in life, I was wrong.

This is what the Pinterest picture looked like:

greek yogurt soufle theirs

And this is mine!


So good, right?! I know their picture is prettier (I promise the photography will improve) but I actually got height! I souffléd something! And I promise it tasted delicious too. I would advise doubling the amount of vanilla you put in and adding maybe not even a quarter cup of sugar because it does taste a lot like greek yogurt, but I know we’ll be making them again. Even the boyfriend loved them (he ate two in one sitting). So bring on the healthy dessert revolution! Tomorrow maybe I’ll try something with coconut milk…I’ve heard that’s a good substitution.

Obligatory First Post

This is me and my pup, Bella. When I talk about the love of my life, 9 times out of 10 I’m going to be talking about her (no offense to my adorable, wonderful boyfriend, Jake). In the coming days I’ll be posting some of the pretty things I find on Pinterest, talk about recipes I’ve tried out, show off my dog, and inform you on life events, big and small. There will be stories about life and love in all of its grit and glory, and while in my case it will sometimes involve my health, that will by no means be the only topic covered. I may be living with a myriad of illnesses, but they are not my life. Ta ta for now! xxoo

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